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Cuba hanging between unbridled capitalism and socialist totalitarianism, dissident warns

Havana, Cuba, Jan 5, 2011 / 12:15 pm (CNA).- The coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement is renewing his demand that the Cuban government allow the country to transition to democracy peacefully Oswaldo Paya warned in a Jan. 1…

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LEFIGARO Cuba: Oswaldo Payá, el infatigable disidente cristiano

LE FIGARO: Cuba : Oswaldo Payá, l’infatigable dissident chrétien Por Jean-Marie Guénois (*) Después de cuarenta años, él se mantiene de pie contra el régimen castrista, rechazando el exilio como tantos otros opositores, multiplicando las iniciativas. Defensor de los…

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The Jesuist Review: Cuba’s Catholic Dissident: The Saga of Oswaldo Paya

Cuba’s Catholic Dissident: The Saga of Oswaldo Paya Tim Padgett October 20, 2003 Dissident movements never get much traction in Communist Cuba. That is partly because Fidel Castro is vastly more charismatic than the stone-faced apparatchiks of the old Soviet…

Continuar leyendoThe Jesuist Review: Cuba’s Catholic Dissident: The Saga of Oswaldo Paya

Dissident sends letter to international forum demanding rights for Cubans

Havana, Cuba, Oct 13, 2010 / 11:47 am (CNA).- The coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement, Oswaldo Paya Sardinas has sent a letter to an annual conference in Prague urging respect for the human rights of Cubans. “We Cubans…

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Cuban dissident calls on EU to support Varela Project

Havana, Cuba, Sep 22, 2010 / 06:01 pm (CNA).- The coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement, Oswaldo Paya, has called on the European Union to support the Varela Project amidst the Cuban government’s indifference to the changes that the country’s…

Continuar leyendoCuban dissident calls on EU to support Varela Project

Dissident group «Christian Liberation Movement» marks 22 years of working for peace in Cuba

Havana, Cuba, Sep 9, 2010 / 11:51 am (CNA).- This week, the coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement, Oswaldo Paya, renewed the commitment of his organization to bringing about a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba. In a statement released…

Continuar leyendoDissident group «Christian Liberation Movement» marks 22 years of working for peace in Cuba

DIÁLOGO SIN EXCLUSIONES: Declaración de Expresos desterrados sobre visita de PSOE a Cuba

RADIO MARTI Ex presos políticos cubanos desterrados a España firmaron un manifiesto en el que afirman que reconocerán cambios en la Isla cuando el gobierno dialogue con todo el pueblo sin exclusiones lacerantes EFE Disidentes cubanos dicen ser víctimas del “optimismo enfermizo”…

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Cuban political prisoners and the Women in White (Damas de Blanco) support Oswald Payá’s candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2010.

Numerous Cuban political prisoners and Women in White have signed the petition drawn up by political prisoners from the East Co-ed (Combinado del Este) penitentiaryin La Habana, in May of 2010, directed to the Committee of the Nobel Peace Prize. Oswaldo…

Continuar leyendoCuban political prisoners and the Women in White (Damas de Blanco) support Oswald Payá’s candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2010.

Oswaldo Payá: Solidarité avec Reina Tamayo.

Traducccion de Felix Antonio Rojas Tandis qu’Orlando Zapata était en grève faim nous avons fait tout le possible pour que le monde il protestât, pour éviter qu’Orlando il mourût.Zapata je livre sa vie, volontairement , mais par la crueldad et…

Continuar leyendoOswaldo Payá: Solidarité avec Reina Tamayo.

Change Coming to Cuba? by VICTOR GAETAN. The National Catholic Register

The National Catholic Register Founder of Island’s Christian Liberation Movement Discusses Release of Political Prisoners by VICTOR GAETAN, REGISTER CORRESPONDENT 07/13/2010 FREE BUT EXILED. Released Cuban political prisoner Ricardo Gonzalez gestures next to Julio Cesar Galvez, left, and Omar Ruiz…

Continuar leyendoChange Coming to Cuba? by VICTOR GAETAN. The National Catholic Register

The Embargo and the Average Cuban by Victor Gaetan, register correspondent 07/15/2010

Oswaldo Payá Talks About the ‘Change Factor’ of the Economic Blockade. Victor Gaetan, register correspondent 07/15/2010 Oswaldo Payá Sardinas is the most prominent political dissident in Cuba. Founder of the Varela Project, the Cuban democracy movement inspired by 19th-century priest Father…

Continuar leyendoThe Embargo and the Average Cuban by Victor Gaetan, register correspondent 07/15/2010

Creating Conditions for Change. How Catholicism Led to Cuban Liberation Movement

”” VICTOR GAETAN, REGISTER CORRESPONDENT Dissident and head of the Varela Project Oswaldo Payá addresses the foreign media at his home in Havana Nov. 22, 2007. Oswaldo Payá Sardinas is the founder of the Varela Project, the most powerful democracy effort…

Continuar leyendoCreating Conditions for Change. How Catholicism Led to Cuban Liberation Movement
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