MCL: No alentaremos de ninguna forma que alguien inicie una huelga de hambre o las mantenga.

CNA Protests in Cuba must continue without hunger strikes, says dissident

Las huelgas de hambre de los defensores de los derechos humanos y de  los prisioneros de conciencia  son un recurso extremo al que recurren estos hermanos nuestros provocados por el  abuso y represión del gobierno cubano.

No somos los jueces de los que están en huelga de hambre, sino sus hermanos y compañeros de lucha .

Por eso no estimulamos las  huelgas de hambre y les llamamos con urgencia y responsabilidad a que paren definitivamente estas huelgas, para que no dañen su salud o pierdan sus valiosas vidas, pero si apoyamos sus  justas demandas que son también  nuestras

Llamamos a todos los gobiernos, a las instituciones y a los ciudadanos del mundo para  que demanden al gobierno cubano la inmediata liberación de los prisioneros políticos pacíficos  y para  que respete los derechos humanos en Cuba

Así ayudaran a salvar a los que  están en huelga de hambre  y contribuirán al dialogo y la paz

No alentaremos s de ninguna forma  que alguien inicie una huelga de hambre o las mantenga.

La Habana,  5 de marzo de 2010

Oswaldo Payá  Sardiñas

Coordinador del Movimiento Cristiano  Liberación

Protests in Cuba must continue without hunger strikes, says dissident

Havana, Cuba, Mar 8, 2010 / 03:05 pm (CNA).- The president of the Christian Liberation Movement in Cuba, Oswaldo Paya, issued a statement
last week encouraging the efforts of human rights defenders and prisoners of conscience in the country, but asked that their demands be
made without resorting to hunger strikes.

Paya’s statement explained that “hunger strikes by defenders of human rights and prisoners of conscience are often a last resort for those

suffering abuse and repression by the Cuban government.”

“We are not the judges of those who are on a hunger strike,” he continued, “but rather their … partners in the struggle.”

Paya noted that that the Christian Liberation Movement does not “encourage hunger strikes,” and called for an end to them so the
prisoners “do not harm their health or lose their valuable lives.”

“We do, however, support them in their just demands, which are also our own.”

Paya then called on “all governments, institutions and citizens of the world to demand that the Cuban government immediately release peaceful
political prisoners and respect human rights in the country. Thus they will help to save those who are on hunger strike and will contribute to
dialogue and peace.”

“We will not in any way encourage anyone to engage in or remain on a hunger strike,” Paya said in conclusion.

Protests in Cuba must continue without hunger strikes, says dissident ::
Catholic News Agency (CNA) (8 March 2010)

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