Europarlamentario Jose Ribeiro envia carta a sus colegas sobre Damas de Blanco y Oswaldo Payá

Please support the SAKHAROV INITIATIVE:

1st) to have the “Damas de Blanco” finally in Europe to receive the Prize;

2nd) to have also Oswaldo Payá (Sakharov Prize 2002) in our Parliament (AFET and DROI) to discuss and evaluate with us the situation in his country.

Dear all,

See by yourself what they are doing to the “Damas de Blanco”, our 2005 Sakharov Prize laureates.

This happened last April 21st. They were taken to jail.

It was not the first time. And it will not be the last, if we do nothing. Up to now, we weren’t even able to have the “Damas de Blanco” in our Parliament to have the 2005 Sakharov Prize delivered to them!

Read (in Spanish) more news on these recent violent incidents:

El País:

El Nuevo Herald

And on the courage they have:

El Nuevo Herald

Please support the SAKHAROV INITIATIVE:

1st) to have the “Damas de Blanco” finally in Europe to receive the Prize;

2nd) to have also Oswaldo Payá (Sakharov Prize 2002) in our Parliament (AFET and DROI) to discuss and evaluate with us the situation in his country.

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